"New year, New me" and all that jazz!

Happy new year to you all, hope you had a good Christmas and over-indulged yourselves as you should at that time of year! As we all know, I'm not the most active of bloggers but this was a spontaneous moment where I was actually motivated to kick my mind into gear and write something!
Image result for new year new me

As of this time of year, everyone has set themselves a billion new resolutions which they are aiming to accomplish in this year. Whether they give up on their first week or manage the whole year, it's really up to the individual. Which is why this year I am aiming to set myself some goals in which I hope for the first time to actually achieve.

Normally people try to set ridiculous and unattainable goals but I thought that slow and steady will win the race. I have hit the point where, although I have been confident in my not so normal sized skin, I think it would be an idea for me to try and improve my skin meaning that I would be completely confident and able to embrace the body I have! Whether this be trying to get out and do more exercise or changing my diet so that I don't eat so much shite and stop snacking, I'm going to go for it. Because overall, we only have one life so you have to try and do the best you can.

Image result for niomi smart - eat smart    

One thing I'm intrigued about is veganism. And no, I'm not immediately going to jump on the stereotypical bandwagon and protest about meat eaters blah blah blah... It's more the idea of eating superfoods and antioxidants which improve your diet etc... One example of this is from a book I got for Christmas written by youtuber Niomi Smart who promotes a channel based on a plant based / vegan inspired diet. I would like to be at a stage that I could wear anything I want to no matter what, like not having to worry about whether my stomach is flat enough or if my legs aren't as toned as I'd like them to be... Know what I mean?

That's my plan for the year, whether it actually works out is a different thing altogether but it's worth a shot.

Until next time, cheerio!


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