Time for a change?

Happy New Year!

I have to say now that looking back on 2015, it was quite a year for me. From finishing school in June, to turning 18, then getting my first job! The year honestly flew by without noticing it. Turns out, the first year of "adult life" has been a challenge on occasions but overall, I think I'm going to get the hang of it. But as it has changed into 2016, I think now is the best time to think about change. Whether these changes be in my lifestyle, habits or in employment or job/education who knows... But more focus is needed. Now I know that throughout some stage in our lives, we have all been through that "I'm going to get super fit and healthy because it's a new year" however, we all know how long that lasts!

As it's a new year, I think I might actually try to stick to the changes that I plan on making (I'll hold myself to this!) Firstly, I think that one of the most important changes that is needing done is for me to focus on what I want to do career/education wise. I have just finished my Christmas contract at Amazon (which I unexpectedly enjoyed). Now I know what you're thinking... wasn't I supposed to be in Germany? And the answer to that question is yes, but things didn't go as planned so I returned home. When I first joined Amazon, I had completely underestimated what the job actually involved, and that was a major shock to my system! What I didn't know what that I would spend my days, working 11 hours a day, and walking 8-10 miles PER DAY! My first few weeks, I felt mentally and physically broken... But in reality, I just wasn't used to it. Almost every day I would come home and complain saying that I couldn't do it anymore and that I was going to quit. But miraculously, I managed to survive to the end of my contract which lasted over three months. And now I have realised why I never quit... Perseverance.

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Another thing that has surprised me is that come August this year, I will have been part of Peacock Dance Academy for four years. Yes, four whole years! Now that has definitely been a surprise to me because I've never managed to stick at a hobby for more than a year, let alone four! I think that the main reason I have stayed is thanks to everyone at the academy, both teachers and pupils. They're the most friendliest bunch of people I think you could ever meet, and they've made the experience well worth while. Not only is Irish dancing an enjoyable and sociable sport, but it most certainly has it's health benefits! It's a great way to build up stamina, helps tone your muscles and improves your overall body posture.

However, I feel that I would like to have a go at something different. At this precise moment I'm not entirely sure what it's going to be but I will find something. I know from previous experience that I am able to run, maybe not to a high standard, but I can do it as I've pushed myself to run 10ks in the recent years with no training. That makes me wonder what I would be like if I actually did train... Maybe I would enjoy it? Who knows unless I try, right? I am also interested in taking up another hobby/exercise to fill my time. I know the one of my friends enjoys Yoga, maybe that is worth a try. What I suppose I'm getting at, is that you never really know if you're capable of enjoying something unless you stick at it and give it a proper shot.

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I have also been thinking about the future, and what I would like to do. When I was in my final year at high school, I was adamant that there was no way I would even set foot in a college or university campus. However, things could be changing. I haven't exactly put too much thought into this at this moment in time, but I will. As some of you may know, I love doing nail art but I also love working with horses... Maybe one of those will be an option to pursue a career? Who knows. I guess that I'll cross that bridge when it get to it!

Catch you later,

GundysandRoses x


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