Body Positivity!

Afternoon Lovelies,

How are you? I know it has been quite a long time since I have been on here but that's because I have been doing my prelims and have been doing various dance shows so it's been quite a busy time!  But I thought that since I felt determined to write a half decent post, I thought I would talk about body positivity and self confidence and society etc... So let's get cracking shall we? (Before we get started, I'd just like to say that my computer was acting like a complete muppet hence why the layout has gone haywire!!)

So, over the years I have become more aware of what society's vision of the "perfect woman" looks like... And it turns out, the vision can change every single year! One year it can expect you to be a size 6 with no curves to being a size 14 and being "curvy" but no actually having curves. Ummm... Society can you just make up your mind for once please!? Like holy moly, the amount o pressure people are put under for looking "perfect" is absolutely ridiculous! Nobody should give a flying monkey as to your size, whether you're tall or short, curvy or skinny... NOBODY SHOULD CRITICISE ANYONE ELSE! I mean it's not like someone being a certain size will affect you, is it?

From the age of about 10, I wasn't a skinny child... But hey, I was tall, I lost my "puppy fat" and put it on again. My weight has varied a huge amount in 7years but you know what, it has taken me ages to realise that I am actually happy with the way I look. Yes, I am happy with my not so skinny arms, my wide shoulders, my tummy and my thunder thighs. You want to know why? Because I have come to the realisation that you need to be happy and confident in your own skin, and to not really care about how others expect you to look! If you are happy being a size 6, good for you. If you're happy being a size 26, good for you. I have never understood why society, but also the media, revolves around trying to show women how they are supposed to look. In magazines, they put stories about celebs who have put on weight with the heading such as "What have 5they done to themselves?!" Like really guys? I bet you are all amazing, you've never put on a stone in your life and you're amazing. UMMMM... How about no!

But can I just say, it is most certainly not just women who get the "perfection projection" (see what I did there? I like that.) Men have this stereotypical type that all women apparently want. That type tend to be fitting with the "Tall, Dark and Handsome". That means that all women apparently want a guy who is over 6ft, has dark hair, chizzled jawline, huge muscles and is able to carry them off into the sunset. I mean please, let's get real for a second! Firstly, we are not all the same and if we were then it'd probably be rather boring. Everyone does not want the same thing. Beard or not beard, bright blue hair or black hair, tattoos or none, piercing or not... EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! And I think that society needs to realise this and to stop this Perfection Projection across the world because frankly, it's getting tedious.

Overall, what I'm trying to say is that other people's opinion of you shouldn't matter, the only opinion you should care about is your own. You want to change then you change, but don't do it just because someone has told you to...

Catch you later Lovelies,


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