25 Random Questions!
Now isn't this summer weather something else? I mean, Scotland being able to have temperatures of 25 degrees and more is certainly something we're not used to! But I am definitely not complaining, unless I'm at work and the sweat is pouring off me because I'm inside in a long sleeved shirt and tie haha... So, since it's my day off I thought that I would do something fun without putting very much thought into it. And here it is, 25 random questions for your enjoyment! 1 - Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? My door has to always be shut, I can't even try to sleep if it's open because it makes me feel anxious for some weird reason! 2- Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or by a swarm of bees? I'll take the bear because to this day *touches wood* I have never been stung by a bee or wasp so I plan on staying well away from them!! 3- Do you always smile for pictures? Not always no, the main reason being that when I smile, my ...